Warnings and more warnings - when sudo-apt update doesn't work

When sudo-apt update doesn’t work

My first issue with the discipline of MAC0470 (Free Software Development) was way before anything could work out.

GPG error: file:/var/cuda-repo-10-2-local-10.2.89-440.33.01 Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF80

This warning haunted me for days when doing sudo apt-update… until then I couldn’t actually install anything.

Basically, the GPG key manager wouldn’t allow me to sudo apt-update nor sudo apt-upgrade and yays, no solutions could be done.

Google crawling for random stuff related was the only solution:

First trial:

My first option was trying to follow this tutorial on the NVIDIA developers blog.

Of course it didn’t work out, and I just felt like randomly copying and pasting random key deletion and insertion.

Second trial:

After this pointless tutorial, I just tried to search for other and other, and other

And none of them worked out, since most of the times, each error was related to a specific distro or a specific GPU spec.

As if it couldn’t get better, even the NVIDIA moderators seemed to not know exactly where and why the PubKey of older version kept having issues even if CUDA handled deprecated versions.

Third trial:

Finally, after trying to search for the specific key NO_PUBKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF80 in many forums, I found a solution here

Basically, I ran this:

wget -qO - https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/7fa2af80.pub | sudo apt-key add -

And magically, sudo-apt update worked out

Fourth trial?

As things couldn’t get better, sudo-apt upgrade didn’t have enought disk space, but thats story for another post…

That is all for today…

See you on the next post! :smiley:

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